Difference between Honours and AP

An honors class typically covers the same curriculum as the regular version of that course. AP classes, however, are more challenging than honors classes. These courses cover information, teach skills and give assignments that correspond to college classes. High school students taking AP courses will be held to the same standard as college students. These classes help... Read more


ACT vs. the SAT, both exams are widely accepted by U.S. colleges which one to take is the key. The idea behind both exams is similar: to demonstrate college readiness. But despite similar aims, the tests vary in structure and timing as well as the content matter and scoring. The SAT takes three hours and the ACT lasts... Read more

High School and College Admission Requirements

When colleges calculate your GPA for admissions purposes, they will often ignore the GPA on your transcript and focus solely on your grades in these core subject areas. Grades for physical education, music ensembles, and other non-core courses are not as useful for predicting your level of college readiness as these core courses. This doesn't... Read more

Sample College Requirements for Admissions

The table below shows minimum course recommendations for a sampling of different types of selective colleges. Always keep in mind that the "minimum" simply means you won't be disqualified immediately. The strongest applicant typically exceed the minimum requirements.   CollegeEnglishMathScienceSocial StudiesLanguageNotesUCLA4 yrs3 yrs2 yrs2 yrs 2 yrs (3 preferred)1 year art and another college prep... Read more