Standard Requirements for College

While admissions standards vary greatly from one school to another, nearly all colleges and universities will be looking to see that applicants have completed a standard core curriculum. As you choose classes in high school, these core courses should always get top priority. Students without these classes may be automatically disqualified for admission or they may be admitted provisionally and need to take remedial courses to gain an appropriate level of college readiness.

You’ll want to check the specific requirements of the colleges to which you are applying, but schools will typically want to see you have completed the following

High School Courses Required for College Admission
SubjectYears of Study
 English4 years
 Foreign Language2 to 3 years 
 Math3 years 
 Science2 to 3 years including a lab science 
 Social Studies and History2 to 3 years 
 Art1 year 

Keep in mind that the required courses for admission differ from the recommended courses. At some college and universities additional years of math, science, and language will be necessary for you to be a competitive applicant.

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@peepso_user_5(Karan Jain)
Good one!
1 year ago