All you need to know about recommendation letter.

What is a recommendation letter?

Grades are not the only thing colleges look for in an applicant. Extracurriculars, volunteering, and recommendation letters are also important.. A recommendation letter typically tells more about the student, their social and interpersonal skills.  An excellent recommendation letter can take a student places as it will be mirroring the qualities which an exam can’t. These letters should be written by someone who can describe your skills, accomplishments and personality.

How do you send a letter of recommendation to a college?

Many colleges and universities require one to three recommendation letters with your collegiate applications. These letters are typically written by counsellors, teachers, and other mentors.. These letters are submitted electronically through the common application process.

When to Ask for College Recommendation Letters:

Ideally, you should ask teachers and counsellors if they will write on your behalf at the end of junior year or the very beginning of your senior year. This will give them ample time to plan and draft a thoughtful and comprehensive letter that they can submit as soon as the Common App is available. Be sure to provide your teacher with proper instructions and any other materials he or she may need to reference, such as your resume or a great assignment you completed in his or her class. (courtesy ivywise)

Can you reuse letters of recommendation for college?

Definitely! You can use the same letters of recommendation for different colleges but be careful to get it checked by your counsellor or other experts, as well as ensure that it fits the requirements of different colleges. Asking your teachers for recommendation letters ahead of time is important because they will also have many other students asking them for recommendations as well. Make sure to give them at least three weeks’ notice

Do colleges look at recommendation letters?

You may be wondering if these recommendations are even important— after all, there are already so many other parts to your college application. The short answer is yes, recommendations are important, and are among the many factors that colleges look at when making admissions decisions (college vine)

How long should the letter of recommendation be?

The letter should not be more than 300 to 400 words. It’s important to give your teachers an ample amount of time to write your recommendation letters because a short recommendation letter (less than one page) gives admissions officers a bad impression and makes you, the applicant, seem weak. On the other hand, make sure that recommendation letters are not too long (more than two pages), or else officers will not be able to read and use it efficiently


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@peepso_user_399(Khushi Gupta) Pls check this
2 years ago