When you study in High School, there are requirements required to be fulfilled to graduate. These requirements include many subjects which you don’t like or don’t have any interest in but you don’t have any choice other than taking those courses/subjects and getting a good grade because GPA might get affected if you score low.
So here are a few methods which help you to do well in the subjects/courses you are least interested in.
Shift your focus – Shifting focus from short term to long term will help open a lot of doors, this will help to do well in any course. Make smaller targets and complete tasks in hand.
- Understand difference between Spend and Invest : When you have to shift your focus to the long term, you also need to understand the difference between spend and invest w.r.t time . In a different perspective, you have to complete a course you are least interested in, Spending is utilizing a resource like time and when you invest you accumulate value in the asset, here asset being completing your course. So you give the long term goal more priority and ignore small hurdles that come your way.
- Understand your body : Ability to focus on things predominantly depends on how we cater to our body requirements, if they are not met i.e. sleep deprived, stress, too many activities, unhealthy food etc. It is very important to understand and listen to your body requirements i.e. If you are sleep deprived , you won’t be able to do better even in a course which you like.
- Return on Investment : It is noticed that students take more and more AP classes to impress the college admission officer but all those AP classes might not be aligned to your Goal. A point to ponder is it worth spending time on those AP courses ?
- Audit your activities : It is very important to audit your activities and see if they are aligned to your Goals. Are you trying to achieve 100+ hours of volunteering in an area which you don’t even even like. Align your courses and activities according to your Goals. Don’t kill yourself.
- Eat the frog: It is a task/time management technique invented by Brian Tracy . Here eating the frog means that you finish your course which you don’t like or enjoy, before other courses so that you can be rest assured that the worst is behind you .
- Healthy Food and Exercise : Everyone knows how important it is to get a good sleep for good health. Along with sleep , eating healthy food and doing exercise is equally important . So watch out for the food you eat .
- Meditate : Meditation is an exercise for your mind and body. It helps to increase focus and concentration. If you are focused and have high concentration power then you can save tons of time to learn any subject. So don’t ignore meditation. It helps relieve stress .
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